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The Boat That Rocked

I've been very lucky to have a lot of people continue to be interested in the page over the last few months, a number of people had asked if I'd considered doing periodical posts instead. One of the long time friends of the page asked me again over the weekend, I thought well why not....

Up first, and it has to be the one and only Pretty Green. They launched their new SS18 Pre-Season collection a few weeks back now, pretty decent it is as well. As usual with that opening collection it tends to be twists on existing stuff as opposed to smashing the sky in with the latest and greatest.

And in-keeping with their mental approach to the campaign to whet the's coming after the range launched...ah dunno how that works, but I guess it must.

The theme will be one of the open waves, as everyone guessed from all the Pirate Radio imagery on the already glimpsed pieces.

I like the look of the campaign, feels very like the tone of the SS15 all remember that one, we all went mental releasing our inner leopard. Don't say you didn't now...we all fell for it.

Some excellent pieces in the current crop, stand out is the new Wool Button Up Jacket, that is straight on the lust list if anyone wins the lottery (XXL for this chunky lad please).

As always most of the Outerwear is well worth a look

This weekend sees the London Mens Fashion Week in full flow, for long term page users this is what used to be called LC:M and I used to go on endlessly about it boring the absolute arse off you.

Ben Sherman hosted a live show on Saturday showcasing a new Heart of Soul collection based on the eternally loved Northern Soul scene. Now some might want to give it the blah blah seen it all before, well who cares....I'm happy to see them still coming, so let's bring it on...

This is the first of a pair of new hookups coming with Henry Holland, this one for AW18,

While Ben was showcasing the above for AW18 some of the SS18 pieces have started to appear, including these classic timeless pieces...which I spotted in Debenhams of all places, and with rather decent pricing.

Clarks continue to puzzle and bemuse me over on their Originals line, is it retro classics, is it new or is it now a mash-up somewhere in between.

First up we get some new modern instant classics

Then we get some smashed up looks featuring classics, 70's cool and modern sports it Originals..?

Also out flying at the Londons Mens Fashion Week was Oliver Spencer, as always sticking to the stone cold classic styling with the standard high quality mix.

I've been banging on about the return of the timeless Coach jacket for some time now, and SS18 looks to be the season for it, other styles are coming in but I doubt there will be much better than the amazing efforts being served up by Outerwear freaks Barbour. You just know, these will be the bollocks. Out now at Oi Polloi, along with a cool new Over-shirt

Over at adidas they continue to kick the arse out of their archive with the continuous slew of new paint jobs on their excellent wheels. Some will hit the mark, some..meh....not so much.

And if you're giving the adi's a check why not pop over into their Outerwear for a cracking new take on the Parka, it's got a nice cocktail of new and old in there, could be ahead turner if you want to stand out from the rest in the khaki waves at gigs.

I missed out on the Fred Perry x Miles Kane collab whilst I was hiding in a cave (small but fucking awesome collection it was..), Fred never let the moss grow under their feet and are already on their second drop for SS18 with a range top-up the other week. As always, the quality is baked in with these guys, you know the fit and longevity is always built-in.

Meanwhile over in Japan Fred is encouraging some double denim wearing, you got the balls?

Gioi Goi came screeching back in to view in 2017, no no no not the bastardisation of the label that JD turned out as their Frankenstein, the original vision of the lads looking for that Terrace friendly casual look, appealing to both clubbers and Indie heads. Well back into SS18 and the new pieces are starting to appear, including this lot at Scott's.

Still waiting on that coach jacket mind....

If Xmas has left the wallet rather slim looking then take your arse over to Lambretta for an affordable wardrobe top-up, really love the style of these classic designs given a perfect Paisley tinge.

I'm always a bit partial to some sports influenced gear, we have a large number of cyclists on the page who may lend themselves slightly to a Modernist view. Sits well with me...

Vulpine are a brand I am a big fan of, they offer up gear that works on the bike but then equally looks the part when you want sharpness in the boozer.

They've topped up their range some with excellent new colours of their classic Harrington as well as a new Mac which really rather hits the mark quite well.

Some more new SS18 from the one and only Paul Smith. I can't remember if this is the 2nd or 3rd drop of SS18 for him, but it's all new...

Including in there some rather Lennon-esque styling, some of it with rather rock star pricing.

I don't make up everyone's budget, that's what your wife is for, some of you folks might fancy these...some might not.

I can afford the socks, if I save up....

Up last a little trip to NYC via the redbubble shop of Monkees Blood for some LG tomfoolery of the Parka Monkey persuasion...

Think that should just about cover things for now then....

Over and Out

Peace&Love&Mercy, theSub

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