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Smile Like You Mean It

Interesting hook-up for Pretty Green as they got into bed with Smiley to celebrate their 45th anniversary. I'm not 100% if the opening range of the SS17 collection celebrating Acid House and the Hacienda was done under the same hook-up, so I'll concentrate on the recent capsule only.

We all know Smiley, it's an iconic marque, seems to have been with us forever. It's likely more commonly understood these days as an emoji, however for most of us who live our life alongside music it will always be regarded as a part of the Acid House scene.

Now I'll put my hand up to something I've said before, I don't like wearing things that I have no association with. I had to pick and choose from the Storm Capsule collection as I would choose not to wear something that was directly linked to Pink Floyd. Nothing wrong with Floyd obviously, just not one of the bands I'm in to so I wouldn't wear something that was clearly about them.

Acid House would be the same, it's not one of my things. I do however 100% agree it's good hook-up for Pretty Green. It allows them to stretch away from the rock n roll side of things a bit, and it is of course a massively important part of the UK scenes music history.

PG have gone for a small capsule that isn't too bad I'd say. And if unlike me you're not fussed about the history or so-called scene something belongs to then there are some nice pieces in here to ponder over.

Nice and simple first, t-shirts and polos with the Smiley logo. You can't go wrong with a simple logo top, nice to stand out in a world of crocodiles and men on horses...

Now, we all know that there would be need to have a logo print t-shirt in the range, and PG have given this design a little twist of paisley to mark it out in a unique way with their house design used in a linear pattern on the infill.

Works well I'd say

We also get some nice outerwear in the capsule, nothing new, some standard PG styles given a fresh Aceeeed lick of paint to stand them out, again using the Smiley as the logo.

Last up, and now I need to be a hypocrite, of all the pieces this is the one that appeals to me most as one I'd wear. I have to admire the way PG have slipped the mini-Smiley into their Paisley design, not in a subtle hidden way, but in a tennis balls falling from a grey sky style. It's different and it really works IMHO.

So all in all, a very nice smart little capsule hooking into one of the biggest scenes in the UK's musical past.

I hear its been selling well in store, always good to see something landing well.

Peace&Love&Mercy, theSub

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