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Weekend Outfit featuring Pretty Green

It's the weekend, time off from the grindstone for a lot of us and an opportunity to pull on some quality clothing rather than the pre-determined work outfit.

On top - the Reefer jacket, this version styled on a piece worn by The Beach Boys Brian Wilson. The military style buttons giving this an extra lift, with gold/brass buttons styles meant for more senior officers when this Jacket was a serving piece of military Outerwear. And because it's PG they've added some extra cool with leather trim.

Keeping warm - now technically a roll-neck jumper should be worn under a Reefer negating the need for a scarf, but with PG's cool Mawson scarf we can change historical styling a bit to add some Saturday cool.

Underneath - add a bit of colour and originality with PG's latest raid on the Liberty Arts fabric archive, the Winter days are dark so why not add a touch of colour for when you pop the Outerwear off down the local.

Leg room - as an alternative to the weekend basic of denim, head out in some black Bedford cord to be a little different.

Booted - stand out from the sea of suede in some Wild Honey dessies, adding some modernist cool with Italian polka dot warmth around your toes.

Have a great weekend, Peace&Love, theSub

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