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Cafe Du Cycliste Madeleine Gilet

Cafe always do damn cool heritage styled pieces, this new gilet is a little step from the norm for them, but it's a very nice little side-step indeed.

The legacy of tie-dye seems to have been haunted by the 80's somewhat, only just surviving the acid house and early Britpop scenes. No longer seen as a Festival stalwart it has slowly been working its way back into the mainstream over the past few years.

The take-on of sublimation and fabric printing techniques means that a tie-dye fabric in today's sports kit market would generally be a repeated pattern, albeit on a grander scale cut from a certain volume of cloth.

Where Cafe take this on a step is to hand dye the fabric, meaning each cut piece will be absolutely unique. Now that's cool.

They also carry the usual technical refinements you'd expect to find, lightweight, windproof, water-resistant and a clever internal resin coating with aluminium that will reflect and contain natural body heat.

Head over to the Cafe now to pick one up, £113

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